Hunter Brown
Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy
King's University College, Western University London Ontario Canada
PhD, Philosophy, McMaster, Hamilton
PhD, Theology, St. Michael's,Toronto
Research interests
Philosophy of Religion
William James
Full Professor (2003)
King's Award for Excellence in Teaching (2002)
Grace and Philosophy: Understanding a Gratuitous World. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press (2019)
4.5/5 (Goodreads)

William James on Radical Empiricism and Religion. Toronto Studies in Philosophy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000.
“I am in deep sympathy with the interpretive approach of Hunter Brown and I think that he understands the fundamental drift of the thought of William James. This is a compliment that I could not extend to many other commentators now publishing.”
John J. McDermott, (Texas A & M University)
“Hunter Brown’s William James on Radical Empiricism is, as I see it, the soundest analysis of James’s religious philosophy available.”
Scott Philip Segrest (U.S. Military Academy, West Point)
“It is one of those works that goes to the heart of the debate concerning a major thinker, and transforms our appreciation of what that thinker has actually accomplished.”
James Dicenso, (University of Toronto)

Brown, Hudecki, Kennedy, Snyder, eds. Images of the Human: The Philosophy of the Human Person in a Religious Context. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1995.
“The volume is very much one which undergraduate teachers of philosophy might well find worth looking at and using. Solidly bound, with an intelligent Index and a judicious and up to date bibliography to go with each philosopher anthologized, and coming at an attractive price, Images of the Human may save some students and faculty a lot of headaches and do much to get readers started on important philosophical material. It is wide ranging and yet focused - an ideal course-book.”
Brian Davies
Fordham University
“I have used this book twice now in teaching a "Philosophy of the Person" course at the university level. It is absolutely the perfect textbook for this purpose. It features a short introduction and bio of each figure, suggested discussion questions, primary readings and analysis. You simply can not ask for anything more as a professor.”
5/5 stars (Amazon review)
Selected articles
“William James (1842-1920).” T&T Clark Handbook of Modern Theology. T&T Clark (forthcoming)
“Is There a Future for the Philosophy of Religion?” https://philosophyofreligion.org/ (December 31, 2021)
“Incarnation and the Divine Hiddenness Debate.” The Heythrop Journal 54 (2013), 252-260.
“William James and the Achilles Argument.” The Achilles of Rational Psychology. Edited by Thomas M. Lennon and Robert J. Stainton. Springer Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind (2008), 247-257.
"The Retrieval of 'liveness' in William James's Will to Believe." International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 42, 2 (October, 1997), 97-118.
"The Inadequacy of Wishful Thinking Charges against William James's Will to Believe." Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 33, 2 (Spring, 1997), 488-519.
"Kasper, Modernity, and Postmodernity." Journal of Dharma 22, 3 (July-September, 1997), 208-224.
"Anselm's Cur Deus Homo Revisited. Église et Théologie 25 (1994), 189-204.
"The Structure of Plato's Crito." Apeiron 25 (March, 1992), 67-82.
"Alvin Plantinga and Natural Theology." International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 30 (October, 1991), 1-19.